What We Do
- Offer turn-key health plan products and solutions that feature access to H2B direct-contracted providers and health systems in select regional markets
- Administer Direct Contracts
- Build out Direct Contract Programs or Community Health Plans for Employers or Providers

About H2B’s Direct Contracts
H2B’s Direct Contracts with healthcare providers have two defining characteristics:
- Employer is the payer.
- The contract is for global services. Specifically, every single DRG offered by the hospital, primary and multispecialty providers, all outpatient services, and professional services; not just a few bundled services.
$10 copays. Low deductibles. Lower premiums. Competitive options for small group to enterprise employers.
Regional programs with flagship health systems and member ability to see any provider of their choice.
Request Quote / Proposal
Quick, efficient process for submitting your groups.
How it Works

Employer Experience
Average 1st year premium savings among employers
Average 1st year reduction in employee out-of-pocket costs
< 0%
Average annual increase to plans over 3 years: less than U.S. rate of inflation
3rd year average annual increase in utilization among partner providers